Events We Offer
Speech & Debate has a lot of different events - there's something for everyone! Below is a list of the primary events that are offered at Jordan High School.

Congressional Debate
In Congress, students role-play as members of the United States Congress and debate over whether to pass legislation.

Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate
LD Debate is a single-person event where students primarily debate about philosophy and morals.

Public Forum (PF) Debate
PF Debate is a partner event where students debate about public policy and issues that impact the United States and the world.

Cross Examination (CX) Debate
CX Debate, also known as Policy Debate, is a partner event where students debate about governmental actions that concern the United States.

Public Address
Public Address is a category of speech events where students prepare and perform an original 10-minute speech that is either intended to address a problem or inform the audience about a topic.

Interpretation is a category of speech events where students choose a piece of literature and perform an interpretation of the writing.

Extemporaneous Speaking
Extemporaneous Speaking is a speech event where students are given a topic and have 30 minutes to prepare a speech about the topic. Students can choose to speak on either domestic (United States) or international (world-wide) topics.